Portsmouth: Celia Thaxters Appledore Island Garden

Celia Thaxter’s garden

Portsmouth, New Hampshire

Celia Thaxters Appledore Island Garden

Once an artist’s colony, poet Celia Thaxter’s historic seaside garden on Appledore Island was made famous by her 1894 memoir, An Island Garden, with the beautiful illustrations by Childe Hassam. Today, the 95-acre island is home to Shoals Marine Laboratory, offering undergraduate education and research in marine science through Cornell University and the University of New Hampshire.

Each summer, SML offers adult and family education programs for the general public. Access to Appledore is via ferry. Tours of Celia Thaxter’s Appledore Island Garden are only offered  June 29, July 3, 13, 20, and 27; August 2, and 10. Tour size is limited to 45 passengers. Reservations are required.

Contact the Coastal Coordinator, Pam Boutilier: (603) 430-5220 or shoals-lab-east@cornell.edu.

Note: There are no paved roads on Appledore Island. All tour participants must be 18 years of age or older and should be in good physical condition. It’s a good idea to read The Appledore Island Handbook to prepare for your trip!

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