Biltmore Estate, the 250-room “little mountain escape” George Vanderbilt built on 8,000 acres in the mountains of Asheville, NC. back in the 1890s was the final project of the renowned Frederick Law Olmsted, considered to be the father of American landscape architecture. The Biltmore is a top Garden Traveler destination.
Biltmore horticulturalists and gardeners have created a Garden Guide to showcase calendar blooms, and there’s a progression of tulips, multi-colored azaleas, rhododendron, along with native mountain laurels and vertical gardens of succulents.
Noteworthy is the Spring Garden with azaleas, rhododendrons, forsythia, spirea, deutzia and Mock Orange. Also look for pink Lady’s Slippers, May Apples, Flowering Quince, Sweet Shrub, Beauty Bush, Kousa Dogwood and the not-to-be-missed Dove Tree.
The Walled Garden features an estimated 2,300 roses — more than 250 varieties, including 159 All American Rose selections.
For more information, visit Plan Your Visit to Biltmore in Asheville, NC.