Hoover: Aldridge Gardens

Hoover, Alabama

Aldridge Gardens

The Aldridge Gardens was originally the home of horticulturalist Eddie Aldridge and his wife Kay, who conveyed the property to the city of Hoover in 1997. Although best known for the magnificent hydrangeas, the gardens showcase 30 acres of shade gardens with many varieties of camellias and native plants and trees. There’s a  3-acre wildflower garden, spiral herb garden, and nature trails around 7-acre lake.

What’s Special

The signature flower of Aldridge Garden is the Snowflake Hydrangea, discovered by Eddie Aldridge and his father in the woods in Alabama in 1969 and later patented.


Free Admission
Closed Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day

3530 Lorna Road

Hoover, AL 35216

Phone 205.682.8019

Email info@aldridgegardens.com [ info ]

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